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PostPosted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 1:17 pm    Post subject:

I'm moving to college on September 1st but I'm not too worried because I'm a VERY intelligent person and I get used to new places quickly. I'm still mad that the class in Arabic closed before I could get into it but maybe someone will drop out. I'm almost scared to take it because my spanish teacher said it was one of the hardest languages to learn, but I've always been good with languages. [I say this only speaking two. I mean I can pronounce foreign words very easily. Unless they're French.] Besides I have a cool laptop to take to school with me. I don't know how I would survive without a computer. [I have an "Aladdin" picture as my computer wallpaper. Three guesses of who and the first two don't count.] So farewell, fellow the way, anyone else going to UMass Amherst or is it just me?
PostPosted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 11:47 am    Post subject:

I looked at my grades today. See, I was so sure I had failed (I had a real bad semester in the personal life department, and I knew it affected my school work.) I'd refused to look at my grades, because I was so sure I'd failed that I didn't want to be reminded of that fact. It all sounds so silly now.

Well, I did fail that horrible math class, but I won't be needing that anymore anyway, since it's specifically for education students, and I am no longer going into education. I passed everything else, and I think all my other classes will be important in my new major, which will be English.

I won't be going back to school this semester, because I'll be making a big move in a couple of months. I'll be moving back West (that's another story I'm sure I'll share once I'm settled.) and I believe I'll have to wait six months before they consider me a resident. So maybe by next fall, I can start back to school.

I'm excited about this upcoming change, but I'm also a bit scared. I know [insert phrase I used in another thread], but I can't let that stop me.

Anyway, right now, I'm just wanting the next couple of months to fly by. I wish it could happen sooner, but I'll take what I can get.

PostPosted: Sat Jul 22, 2006 11:12 pm    Post subject:

I hear you. I'm trying to get into the Walt Disney World college program because
1. I feel worthless and I want to do some good before I die
2. I reeeaally need a break from school. All the loan crap and financial aid problems that arise before school starts every year is driving me insane. Not to mention I think if I was out of my current sitaution for a little while, it would give me a different look because right now--it sucks.

DEFINITELY do what's best for YOU at this point because if you don't, you'll be stuck there forever. You really don't wanna have to have your life set up where it's dependent on others. There's someone being there for you and then there's complete dependence on them.
PostPosted: Sat Jul 22, 2006 9:05 pm    Post subject:

Well, I had stuff to rant about concerning school when this started, but was afraid to at the time.
I'm going to have to put my education on hold for a number of reasons. I do have the Web certificate, but I know I should get a Batchlor's sometime. I had returned to school, because I thought I wanted to teach, but for several reasons, I changed my mind on that. I won't bore y'all with the reasons, though.
Majoring in English has been an interest of mine since I went back to school last fall, but as I said, there's other reasons why I have to put my education on hold. One of them being that I had a really bad semester last spring. (AThere were a lot of setbacks. Again, I won't get into it right now.) So, I don't think I can go back in the fall. Besides, my real desire (not that I don't desire further education) is to get the hell out of this area. I'm originally from the West coast, and I was way more independent there. Now I live in Backwoods Hickville, and there isn't even decent public transportation around here, so I'm always having to depend on my husband for transportation. I could easily stay here, but I feel just doing so would be living below my potential, and isn't that like a waste?
My husband's lived here all his life, so he's too attached to his comfort zone, even though he complains that this area sucks. If it were left up to him, then we'd be here forever, so I've decided to force my hand on the subject. I need to do what's best for me. I know that sounds selfish, but given our age difference, I know I'll be around longer than he will. I need to put myself in a position where I can survive without him if something happens.
I don't have a set plan just yet, but I do have some ideas, and I know that whatever I decide will change my life majorly. But I guess life's about changing, isn't it?

Anyway, those that read this, thanks for listening. And it is sort of related to school in a way. I reccon that once I've set a plan in motion, I'll end up doing what most adult students do and go to school part-time and work. Hey, my mom did it, and she had a teenager and two five-year-olds to raise.

PostPosted: Sun May 28, 2006 4:53 am    Post subject:

I'm having university entrance exams in two weeks and I'm desperately trying to finish reading a book called "Ways of Reading". However, it's absolutely dreadful and I have no idea how I'm going to be able to answer any of the questions.

Last week I had my first entrance exams. One was in German, my favourite language. I had been busy studying Linguistics so I thought I'd only go through German grammar during the extra hours I had before the test. The probem is, I forgot my grammar book home and therefore had to go to the test completely unprepared. Mad How can someone be so STUPID? There's no way I'm getting accepted.
PostPosted: Fri May 26, 2006 9:40 pm    Post subject: Re: Schoolwork support thread

Spartan Girl wrote:
I can't see the instructor for help during his work hours because that is when my other class is.
Have you gone and talked to them? Most professors I've had are willing to meet with you at another mutually acceptable time if you've got a conflict with their office hours.
PostPosted: Fri May 26, 2006 5:53 pm    Post subject:

yes please! I wanna vent! Very Happy Laughing

Damn, where to start. I friggin failed last semester of Science so now I have to take it this summer which sucks to no end Rolling Eyes I'm sick of waiting to see who made band captain and lastly
Dear Mrs. Juarez-Medina
We get it. Girls just say no. Guys don't even ask. Stop telling us now!!! You think half the school is gonna run off over the weekands and go have unprotected sex and get pregnant. Jesus christ lay off!!

alright, anyone else wanna have a go at it? Laughing
Spartan Girl
PostPosted: Fri May 26, 2006 5:21 pm    Post subject: Schoolwork support thread

I don't know if someone has already started a thread like this, I thought it would be a good idea to start a support thread for those of us that are in school/college. That way, we could all share our frustrations.

Myself, I'm a sophomore at Michigan State University. I thought it would be a good idea to take a couple of summer classes (along with a job at the library). One of those classes, however, is Microeconomics. The instructor is Korean and it's a little hard to understand him through his accent. He's very nice though. Our class is only two days a week, and every Thursday we have a 20 questions. We've only taken two so far, and I literally only got half of them right (multiple choice). I can't see the instructor for help during his work hours because that is when my other class is. I'm trying the best I can... I really want to pass this class!

Anyone else want to vent?

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