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Fidget Goblinweb
PostPosted: Sat Dec 09, 2006 9:02 am    Post subject:

I like Quasi. He was sweet, had an awesome singing voice, and he was hilarious! I mean when Phoebus got hurt and he apologized and Phoebus was all "You didn't mean that" that cracked me up. His appearance never bothered me when I was a little girl though. The first time I saw it I was like "Wow Dad, this is new. The main character is really diffrent." Then I watched it and it broke my heart singing him on that turn table thing and everyone was so mean. Phoebus thought he was boring. Personally Esmeralda, Quasimodo, and Frollo were the ones that made me love this movie.
Janette Morgan
PostPosted: Thu Jun 01, 2006 1:29 pm    Post subject:

I kind of think Quasi is cute. Especially that croissant-shaped backspan. Actually, I think the thing is that he reminds me of a guy I know. He isn't a hunchback, but he does have an interesting spinal deformity which causes his head to be perpetually tilted to the left -- which I also think is cute. (Of course, I think it helps that guy in question is one of the awesomest guys on the face of the planet, but there you go.)
Spartan Girl
PostPosted: Wed May 31, 2006 4:22 pm    Post subject:

Well, yes, you don't need love to make you happy.

And at least Esmeralda genuinely cared for him, unlike the one in the book. In the book, she only feels brief moments of pity for him, but she can't get over his ugliness. Mad All she can do is cry about Phoebus, who is a complete shmuck in the book that basically sold her out. She isn't that bright in the book actually. Poor Quasi just takes it all in stride because he loves her so much Crying or Very sad

It would have been interesting if they had kept the fact that he was deaf in the movie. But that probably would work well when interacting with all of the characters...
PostPosted: Tue May 30, 2006 8:19 pm    Post subject: Re: Quasimodo

[quote="Spartan Girl"]What was so great about Phoebus anyway? He was decent in the movie, but it's a pretty poor message that the hero doesn't get the girl because he isn't handsome. He's kind and sweet...compared to that, being good looking isn't a big deal.

Phoebus was alot worse in the book from what I heard. He was a lech who fooled around with Esmeralda before he went off and married another girl.
PostPosted: Tue May 30, 2006 6:19 pm    Post subject: Re: Quasimodo

Spartan Girl wrote:
Still, how would you have felt if Quasimodo really DID end up with Esmeralda? Would it have been weird?

No, because she made it pretty clear she wasn't bothered by his looks. I see weird looking couples all the time riding the city bus, so that wouldn't have bothered me either Laughing. However, if we are talking movie!Esmeralda I would be a little...skeptical if she did end up with him because I really don't think she loved him as much as she cared and liked him, you know?
PostPosted: Tue May 30, 2006 11:30 am    Post subject: Re: Quasimodo

Spartan Girl wrote:
What was so great about Phoebus anyway? He was decent in the movie, but it's a pretty poor message that the hero doesn't get the girl because he isn't handsome. He's kind and sweet...compared to that, being good looking isn't a big deal.

Now, see, I liked it because I don't like the message that you have to find love to be happy. Wink And, besides, Esmerelda wasn't bothered by his looks, just because she didn't happen to fall in love with him doesn't mean she's prejudiced. It's not really something you have a choice in. Confused
Spartan Girl
PostPosted: Tue May 30, 2006 6:44 am    Post subject: Re: Quasimodo

Spartan Girl wrote:
He's sad yet pure of heart, even though he's a lot more of a flunkie to Frollo in the movie.

Oops, I made a typo. I meant that he was more of Frollo's flunkie in the NOVEL not the movie, because in the book, Frollo makes Quasi try to kidnap Esmeralda, which results in him being arrested and tortured... and you know the rest.

I never saw the sequel, and as glad as I could have been that he got a girl, you're right, it was kind of forced.

Still, how would you have felt if Quasimodo really DID end up with Esmeralda? Would it have been weird?
PostPosted: Mon May 29, 2006 8:14 pm    Post subject:

I agree with you 100%. I never really liked Phoebus, either.
PostPosted: Mon May 29, 2006 7:55 pm    Post subject:

You know, no matter how they emphasized how much his appearance was "hideous" and "monsterous", it never bothered me. I think he was a very kind soul and incredibly sweet.

The part with Esmeralda and Phoebus doesn't bother me as much either. I guess because Quasi sorta gave them his blessing, so if it was ok with him it was ok with me. It was actually when they DID give him someone in HBONDII that I was upset Laughing. I wasn't upset that he got someone as much as I was that they felt the need to GIVE him someone in the sequel. It just felt a little forced to me. "Oh, he didn't get anyone in the first one so let's give him someone here!!"
PostPosted: Mon May 29, 2006 7:07 pm    Post subject:

I totally agree with you. Looks isn't everything. I'd rather have a less attractive guy that treats me right that a hottie that treats me like crap. Plus,Tom Hulce added such a great personality to Quasi,through both his speaking and singing voice, and that made it even sadder. Embarassed
Spartan Girl
PostPosted: Mon May 29, 2006 6:51 pm    Post subject: Quasimodo

Does anyone here love Quasimodo as much as I do? After I saw the movie, I was inspired to read the book--I was in fourth or fifth grade. You can't imagine how sad I was when I found out that there wasn't even a happy ending...

Even though the book and the movie were different, I thought the character remained essentially the same. He's sad yet pure of heart, even though he's a lot more of a flunkie to Frollo in the movie. It isn't fair that just because he's isn't attractive in comparison to the other Disney males resulted in him having such a seemingly small fanbase.

I actually found out that there was a musical based on the book called "Notre Dame de Paris." I only listened to about thirty seconds worth of the last track, when Quasimodo takes Esmeralda's body to the mass grave, and I immediately started crying. The only thing worse than living with unrequited love is dying of a broken heart due to unrequited love.

What was so great about Phoebus anyway? He was decent in the movie, but it's a pretty poor message that the hero doesn't get the girl because he isn't handsome. He's kind and sweet...compared to that, being good looking isn't a big deal.

Not to mention that I loved it when he sang "Out There" and "Heaven's Light." Tom Hulce has such a lovely singing voice Embarassed To think, this is the same guy who was in "Animal House" and "Amadeus"...

Does anyone else share my feelings?

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