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PostPosted: Thu Apr 23, 2009 4:37 pm    Post subject:

I'm not sure that most little kids really grasp the concept of choosing a hero who has good morals (besides what their parents say). I liked Jasmine because she was pretty and didn't bore me like the other princess sometimes did. (The second part came a little later.)

And to answer your first question, I think the love interest getting captured is romantic because it demonstrates the desperate and/or unbreakable bond of love between the hero and the distressed.

And this goes both ways. I think immediately of Aladdin coming to rescue Jasmine (like in "Garden of Evil") and also of Jasmine coming to rescue Aladdin (like in "The Secret of Dagger Rock"). First of all, they are inconsolably distressed at the thought of losing the one they love. Then they are willing to risk anything to bring them back.

THAT to me is an epitome of romantic.
A Whole New World
PostPosted: Wed Apr 22, 2009 9:28 am    Post subject:

Why do you think getting captured is romantic?.
And I found this comment on the Streetrat blog (Great blog by the way Very Happy) and I wanted to say something about this comment:
I like princess jasmine because she wears sparkling things and she puts spray on her hair and she makes braids. Princess jasmine is in love with aladdin

Sounds like a little girl worte this,small kids those days haven't seen the movies,they"re just know the Princess are those "pretty princesses" and nothing behind it,they don't know anything about them or their movies,they don't even know their names (Like most of them that I know over here only really knows Snow White and Jasmine that all of them love,they only know that Ariel is The Little Mermaid,Belle is Beauty and they get confused between Aurora and Cinderella... so sad,and they only that Aurora is Sleeping Beauty when they realize that she's not Cinderella),she really don't get who Jasmine (Or any other Princess) is,she likes how she looks and her dress.
PostPosted: Tue Apr 07, 2009 4:37 pm    Post subject:

I personally like episodes when she gets captured because I'm a cornball hopeless romantic and love to see Aladdin rescue her.

Makes me want to be rescued <3 Smile
A Whole New World
PostPosted: Tue Apr 07, 2009 8:37 am    Post subject:

You do have a point,also if she gets captured that also doesn't make her a damsel in distress or something,still,I don't think she should get captured Smile,and yeah,Iago is a "Take them not me!" person.
PostPosted: Mon Apr 06, 2009 6:18 pm    Post subject:

I'd call her weak (especially mentally) if she made no effort to escape or resist and if she cowered or gave up instead... Or if she put her own life ahead of her friends. Like said, "Take them not me!" or "you're on your own. this is too dangerous." But she never does that, so really she is quite strong.

I think iago can sometimes be weak in that aspect... But in several instances he is stronger.

Also, she always manages to escape/be rescued (usually with her assistance)

I think if she were physically as strong as Aladdin, they'd be equals.
PostPosted: Mon Apr 06, 2009 3:42 pm    Post subject:

See, I personally don't think getting captured makes you weaker. It's like saying if I get a D on my essay, it makes me dumber Laughing. I can still be smart and have a bad grade, just like I think Jasmine can be captured (or enslaved and then literally trapped, if we're using just the first movie) and still be considered strong and a great fighter.
A Whole New World
PostPosted: Mon Apr 06, 2009 12:46 pm    Post subject:

Oh no,it's not an argument Smile.
You don't have to physically fight to be a hero but getting captured does make you weaker,and Jasmine wasn't captured in the movie,she got trapped but it's really not like how what happened to her in Garden Of Evil and Sultan Worth His Salt,in the movie she's strong and it's okay she didn't fought Jafar,and I don't count the series as chronology.
PostPosted: Fri Mar 27, 2009 3:08 pm    Post subject:

Salukfan wrote:
There's an important precedent of Jasmine being "trapped" in the original film, by Jafar. It doesn't make Jasmine any weaker. Had it not been for Jafar's incredible power-mongering, Aladdin wouldn't have beaten him either!

Yeah, the whole reason why she's captured in the first place is because of Aladdin's misdoing in both Disney's version, and even more so illustrated in the original story. He aquired everything, including the princess, under false terms, so when it's all taken away from him, he has to get everything back by himself because this is his fault and he has to fix it. If she would have been able to get out of that situation by herself, what is that saying to us? "Oh, you got me into this mess and I'll get myself out of it. Don't worry Smile?" What would he have learned from that? He had to be the one to get them out of the situation he was responsible for putting them there.
PostPosted: Fri Mar 27, 2009 2:55 pm    Post subject:

A Whole New World wrote:
Well,it's just that IMO all the Disney Princesses are heros althought Jasmine's movie is more about Aladdin then her but I think she has a big role like Aladdin,and it's out of her character because she should always fight,I remember Aladdin did got captured (And I"m glad he did but because Jasmine did) but I think it is out of his character,and she screams is worse.

Being a hero doesn't mean you have to always fight physically, which is illustrated by pretty much all the Disney Princesses. Cinderella never punched Tremaine, but she chose a different way to "fight" her by keeping her head up and a smile on her face, even while Tremaine was keeping her down in every way she could possibly think of.

Jasmine does fight a lot, but it's in more ways than just punching and kicking. Jasmine "fought" her father on the issue of marrying someone she has no interest in romantically, for example, despite no one really caring and just wanting her to get on with her duties. She's capable of helping herself in many situations, but the fact that she relies on Aladdin when she knows she needs help is probably saying a lot more than I think is looked in to. People who are that stubborn and headstrong do NOT like getting help, trust me Laughing. She can still fight physically and verbally, but I think she recognizes her strengths and her weaknesses. Plus, I don't know how else she's going to get help if she's not screaming for some. No one ever runs out of a burning house calmly and walks next door for assistance. They come flailing out the house going "HELP ME, OH GOD." That doesn't make it out of character or make them look weak because of it Laughing
PostPosted: Fri Mar 27, 2009 2:31 pm    Post subject:

I'm sorry, but I'm not really getting your argument. Confused

There's an important precedent of Jasmine being "trapped" in the original film, by Jafar. It doesn't make Jasmine any weaker. Had it not been for Jafar's incredible power-mongering, Aladdin wouldn't have beaten him either!

The only "Princess" character who actually fights a villain herself (as far as the original films go) is Mulan. It doesn't make Snow, Cinderella, Aurora, Ariel, Belle, Jasmine, or Pocahontas weaker characters for it.

And Jasmine does rebel against her captors during the series, unless it's in the best interest of her kingdom to not fight. In those situations, she's aware that her duty as a royal/being unselfish for her people is more important than her personal self-interest. I think that makes her stronger, not weaker.
A Whole New World
PostPosted: Fri Mar 27, 2009 2:11 pm    Post subject:

AladdinsGenie wrote:
...I'm failing to understand how her getting captured is "out of character" Laughing. Jasmine is by no means invincible, even if she knows how to fight.

Even Aladdin gets captured, but that doesn't make it out of character for him to be captured despite knowing fighting techniques and occasionally crying out Jasmine's name when she's taken from him, too.

Well,it's just that IMO all the Disney Princesses are heros althought Jasmine's movie is more about Aladdin then her but I think she has a big role like Aladdin,and it's out of her character because she should always fight,I remember Aladdin did got captured (And I"m glad he did but because Jasmine did) but I think it is out of his character,and she screams is worse.
PostPosted: Sat Mar 21, 2009 2:49 pm    Post subject:

... excellent point. I never thought of how the character focus changed throughout, but yeah, that makes a lot of sense.

I know that Jasmine misses some episodes because she's on diplomatic tours with the Sultan and doing official business. And, of course, there are some episodes where, had Jasmine been present, she would have been all "oh, stop being stupid, guys" and derailed the plot. Laughing
PostPosted: Sat Mar 21, 2009 8:44 am    Post subject:

*scans the thread to make sure I haven't said this already*

This is one of the pitfalls of a long-running fandom. Laughing

Salukfan wrote:
Jasmine does miss a lot of episodes, but I don't think that's a slight against the character.

About halfway into the series it becomes kind of an ensemble show, where they really only focus on one or two characters at a time, with the others either in the background or not present in the episode. So there are episodes that are mostly about Jasmine, ones where she's there but not doing much, and ones where she's not there, but that's also true of everyone else. I guess we just notice her absence more since she's the only female main character...

And, really, we don't know what Jasmine does when she hasn't got character focus; I'm sure she doesn't just sit around brushing her hair. Laughing She could have hobbies, or be training, doing some kind of good for Agrabah, or she could be fighting some completely different villain, we don't know. Laughing
PostPosted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 5:55 pm    Post subject:

Yeah, plus I think it puts everyone on an even level and brings an awareness in the group that no one can escape danger, magic powers or not. If she was never caught, I'd have to wonder what makes her so special.
PostPosted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 3:11 pm    Post subject:

I wanted to say the same thing as AG, but she beat me to it. Laughing

Arbitius and the Galifemes aren't exactly the easiest villains to defeat, no matter who you are.

Arbitius is determined to "collect his debt" against the Sultan-- Jasmine got kidnapped because nobody expected her to be the debt and besides, she was asleep when she became trapped in his vines. Arbitius also had one weakness- that flower, which Aladdin kinda dumb-lucked into finding. Laughing

The Galifemes are incredibly powerful warrior women who've demolished kingdoms simply because they didn't like the ruler. Jasmine tried to escape, couldn't, and decided to join them to by time and find another way out. That's hardly weak. It also took Aladdin/Abu being captors, Genie taking out all the sentries/guards, and Sultan attacking Hippsodeth/Scara to be able to get all of them out of there, let alone just Jasmine.

Jasmine does miss a lot of episodes, but I don't think that's a slight against the character. I hate to bring gender into it, but the series is kind of a male-oriented one: it's action-adventure, there's a vast majority of male characters to female ones... the series did a great job of including Jasmine when she was present in the episode (and definitely included a ton of romantic elements), but they often wanted to do a "guy" story and, well, Jasmine kinda makes that more difficult. Laughing The only characters to make every episode are Genie/Abu; even Aladdin doesn't have that. Laughing

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