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PostPosted: Thu Jan 11, 2007 11:01 pm    Post subject:

Janette Morgan wrote:
I agree on Belle -- she probably wouldn't be too big on the whole "ball" thing anyway; she'd probably stay home and dig up the library.

Now you've gone and done it - I'm imagining Belle as an archaeologist.
PostPosted: Thu Jan 11, 2007 10:00 pm    Post subject:

Good point about Jasmine. She wouldn't need all those animals to help her, but I like to imagine she'd make Iago help. Laughing
Janette Morgan
PostPosted: Thu Jan 11, 2007 9:43 pm    Post subject:

Well, if Jasmine found the cottage the same way Snow White did, she'd probably handle it in pretty much the same way -- though without the woodland animals to help. And she'd probably grouse more about the sloppiness of the current residents.

Aurora would confide in her aquatic animal companions about having met a human in her dreams, despite Dad's warnings to the contrary. She would, however, be more subtle than to hoard an entire cave full of human trinkets, limiting her collection to a few things that really put her in mind of her fellow (and could be easily concealed in a box).

I agree on Belle -- she probably wouldn't be too big on the whole "ball" thing anyway; she'd probably stay home and dig up the library.

Cinderella would freak out at first, but be reassured by her incredibly good-looking companion and spend the entire evening staring into his eyes, as is her canon wont.

Ariel would be completely taken-in by the whole Fairy Godmother thing and be very, very careful with her slippers the whole night through. Even if the rest of her was falling all over the place from disorientation.
PostPosted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 9:57 pm    Post subject:

I actually think Jasmine would be very ticked off if she had to clean a cottage as dirty as the dwarves'. She would probably complain and stumble over her work a bit, but she would definitely get the job well done in the end.

I think Cinderella would take up the offer for a carpet ride but she'd be screaming the whole time. Laughing

I honestly think Belle would rather curl up with a book, go on a carpet ride or even switch places with Alice than go to a ball where she might not fit in.

I have no idea how Aurora would handle being in Ariel's place.

Ariel trying to walk in glass slippers would be too funny Laughing
PostPosted: Sun Jan 07, 2007 8:17 pm    Post subject:

Ooh, very neat!

Jasmine I can easily see taking it with a lot of dignity and inner strength, definately in a more defiant maner than Cinderella (which is what I thought of when I read it.)

Belle's scenario is not that different from the original fairytale (she had siblings), but for this I'd say she'd also have a stong inner confidence. Would take some solace in quiet moments away from the stepfamily. And she would talk back to the step-mother, not go running off crying. Maybe even sneak off.
PostPosted: Sun Jan 07, 2007 7:18 pm    Post subject: what if their scenarios where switched?

All the princesses have different personalitites and would react differently to different situations. I was just wondering how each of them would fare if they had to walk in another princess's shoes.

What if

Cinderella were asked to go on a carpet ride?

Jasmine had to clean the world's dirtiest cottage?

Belle had to put up with an annoying step-family and was told she couldn't go to a ball?

Aurora's guy lived on land and she lived in the sea?

Ariel had to put on glass slippers?

How do you think they'd fare? I would love to watch it happen. Laughing

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