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PostPosted: Tue Oct 23, 2007 12:54 am    Post subject:

dazzeling diamond wrote:

I have a couple more of Nadira which I haven't posted, if you want, I'd be happy to send them to you!

Oo, yes, please! Very Happy
dazzeling diamond
PostPosted: Mon Oct 22, 2007 11:09 pm    Post subject:

Aww thank you! Actualy, when the sketches aren't on the computer, her eyes are actually a lot darker, and she appears kind of seductive...but what I love about her eyes, is that they can be read either way...innocent or siren-like (depending on the viewer's intentions, if you know what I mean Laughing )

You saved them to your computer? That's sooo sweet, my next two projects are one of Nadira and Ishaq, and one of Tali and Sharif (like bulls locking horns, hehe). I have a couple more of Nadira which I haven't posted, if you want, I'd be happy to send them to you!
PostPosted: Mon Oct 22, 2007 6:00 am    Post subject:

First of all, the drawings are wow!! I esteem beautifully drawn pictures.
You're right, she definitely looks like herself now. Her character can be seen through her appearance. Among other things, I especially like her eyes (thoughtful, kind, soft, no sign of evil), her hair is splendid (I wish I had such hair!). No wonder Ishaq (and Aladdin -a little- in the first story) fell for her. Laughing
My favorites are the second (because of the hairstyle) and the third (the outfit!). I've saved them to my computer.
dazzeling diamond
PostPosted: Sun Oct 21, 2007 11:08 pm    Post subject: My gypsy girl OC


Ages ago, I posted this massive pic of a gypsy girl character that I had created for my fanfiction stories, named Nadira. Over time, her character evolved, and her looks did as well. Like in my mind, she stopped looking just like the person who inspired her, but more...herself? I just thought I'd share some of the more recent drawings I've done of her.

When she started out, she looked like this:
<a>Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket</a>

Now she looks more like this (although the outfit in the first one is still her signature outfit):

Let me know what you think! Oh, and if anyone can give me tips on taking these images and creating an actual animated appearance out it, that would be most appreciated!

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