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PostPosted: Mon Jun 02, 2008 9:37 pm    Post subject: Re: Fic recs?

Anonymous wrote:
AladdinsGenie wrote:
So, I know you've come across some awesome Aladdin fanfic in your time on the internet....share the wealth, will ya? is a scary place sometimes with all the omg-help-I'm-stuck-in-Aladdin's-world-and-can't-get-out fics and the 90th high school AU featuring modern day!Aladdin and modern day!Jasmine Laughing

Any fanfiction you've come across that you'd like to share?

well uh... hahaha, my unfinished story is a future time warp thing but nothing about a 90th high school thing. it ties in with the fandom. Its more of an Action Adventure, car chasing, and Sadira getting what she wants thing. Now that VMK is gone, mine as well finish it up, some where down the line.[/i]

That is me. Smile
PostPosted: Mon Jun 02, 2008 9:36 pm    Post subject: Re: Fic recs?

AladdinsGenie wrote:
So, I know you've come across some awesome Aladdin fanfic in your time on the internet....share the wealth, will ya? is a scary place sometimes with all the omg-help-I'm-stuck-in-Aladdin's-world-and-can't-get-out fics and the 90th high school AU featuring modern day!Aladdin and modern day!Jasmine Laughing

Any fanfiction you've come across that you'd like to share?

well uh... hahaha, my unfinished story is a future time warp thing but nothing about a 90th high school thing. it ties in with the fandom. Its more of an Action Adventure, car chasing, and Sadira getting what she wants thing. Now that VMK is gone, mine as well finish it up, some where down the line.[/i]
PostPosted: Fri Apr 11, 2008 9:04 am    Post subject:

Oops, sorry I should have read earlier to see that you'd already mentioned A Drinking Contest...

Gale's fic Bitter was mentioned, but not her ongoing series "The Poles Reversed." Very good story so far, I highly recommend it! Although I believe I will be pretty torn by the probable M/J/A love triangle in the future...
PostPosted: Tue Apr 08, 2008 9:23 pm    Post subject:

Yeah! That's the one I was talking about! All you have to say is "Your sentries were scarecrows made of cheese" and Salukfan and I will start laughing Laughing
PostPosted: Tue Apr 08, 2008 8:48 pm    Post subject:

This fic has probably been discussed elsewhere, but I just read it a few days ago and was laughing almost the entire way.

The author is amazingly talented and knows how to write humor while keeping characters canon. Really awesome. Unfortunately he hasn't written any other Aladdin fics, but if you like FFVII or POTC maybe you can check his work in those fandoms.
PostPosted: Wed Apr 02, 2008 6:05 pm    Post subject:

It's been ages since I actually wrote or even read fanfiction (I haven't even finish "A Fiend in Need"). Some of it makes me cringe when I think about.

I still like the one I wrote that was pretty much a rip-off of Monty Python's "Dead Parrot Sketch".
PostPosted: Tue Apr 01, 2008 9:47 pm    Post subject:

Well besides mine of course Smile I had favorited the author Jill Weber and MysticMeg in the LoA

But I am just returning and haven't read any in a loooong time, so I wouldn't be able to provide you with anything new yet. If I come upon something, I'll letcha know Wink
PostPosted: Wed Mar 26, 2008 7:25 pm    Post subject:

Calluna wrote:
What stuff have you already read that you liked? Because I know you've been around for awhile too, so you've probably already read a lot of the stuff I'd suggest. Laughing

Oh gosh, I don't remember most of the stuff I've read because it's been a while for me, too. That, and I can't seem to find where any of that fic I've read went because it's buried at or something Laughing. I remember something I liked was about Aladdin, Genie, Iago and maybe Abu dealing with like a gryiffen or something like that that had them held captive, I think, and Aladdin threw his fez into its mouth to choke it. Then when they escaped, Aladdin felt bad when he saw it suffering and wanted to go back to save it, but Iago was like "Oh, you're not seriously thinking about going back, are you?" and they did anyways Laughing

And something I read recently was about Aladdin and Rasoul in a drinking contest Laughing. There were a few spots I went "meh" to, but overall I loved it.
PostPosted: Wed Mar 26, 2008 5:39 pm    Post subject:

Cantare wrote:
Asylum was one of the first Aladdin fics I read. It totally floored me, and inspired a lot of ideas for my own Mozenrath fic Antiphony. I was so sad when I couldn't find Celeste's contact info and get in touch with her. Calluna, do you know if she's still around? I assume she left the fandom a while ago.

Even back in about 2003 I don't think she wasn't a member of any forums that I know of; she just posted that fic and the Realm of the Black Sands (used to be
PostPosted: Wed Mar 26, 2008 12:02 pm    Post subject:

Asylum was one of the first Aladdin fics I read. It totally floored me, and inspired a lot of ideas for my own Mozenrath fic Antiphony. I was so sad when I couldn't find Celeste's contact info and get in touch with her. Calluna, do you know if she's still around? I assume she left the fandom a while ago.
PostPosted: Tue Mar 25, 2008 10:37 pm    Post subject:

I'll have to get off my lazy keister and actually review 'Bitter'. I mean, it only has seven reviews - talk about underrated! The same author who write it has some other Aladdin fics I see.

I'll also have to check out these other recs. I already have a ton of fanfiction (not just for Aladdin) that I plan on reading, so I have no clue when I'll get around to the Aladdin stuff.
PostPosted: Tue Mar 25, 2008 9:16 pm    Post subject:

I'm interested to see what responses you get as well; I used to read all the Aladdin fic I could get my hands on, but I've kind of got away from it in the past few years and would like to change that...

What stuff have you already read that you liked? Because I know you've been around for awhile too, so you've probably already read a lot of the stuff I'd suggest. Laughing Of the relatively new stuff, what springs to mind immediately to me are VampireNaomi's fics; they've got a good mix of humor and seriousness, and if you're like me it's nice to see someone writing about less popular characters...

Cantare: When you first posted here I was actually confused for a sec and misread your named and thought you were Celeste. Laughing

Brighteyes wrote:
This one-shot is made of awesomeness and win:

Oh, wow, I'd completely forgotten about that one! Yes, that's a great fic. Very Happy
PostPosted: Mon Mar 24, 2008 11:48 am    Post subject:

Ah, I loved that fic (Bitter).

One of my favorites of all time is Celeste Goodchild's "Asylum," which can be found in this site's library. She really dug deep into Mozenrath's character in a fresh, frank, and unforgiving manner, and for once Destane is not cast as a pedophile and a rapist.

I also love Katie Ann's "Gone." It is not yet finished, but she's working on it. Wonderful characterizations and dialogue, emotional ride, enthralling plot. Link:
PostPosted: Mon Mar 24, 2008 9:04 am    Post subject:

*L* Yeah, I run into my share of scary Aladdin fic, so I know how you feel.

This one-shot is made of awesomeness and win:

I haven't read this one yet, but it's a very promising-looking Iago-centric story:

A fic about the possibility of Mozenrath and Aladdin being related:

A Mozenrath vs. Aladdin fic:
PostPosted: Sat Mar 22, 2008 7:23 pm    Post subject: Fic recs?

So, I know you've come across some awesome Aladdin fanfic in your time on the internet....share the wealth, will ya? is a scary place sometimes with all the omg-help-I'm-stuck-in-Aladdin's-world-and-can't-get-out fics and the 90th high school AU featuring modern day!Aladdin and modern day!Jasmine Laughing

Any fanfiction you've come across that you'd like to share?

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