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PostPosted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 10:12 pm    Post subject:

I had a friend who is from Libya, and she said once that people in Libya don't even know what that is.

(Which probably is literally true, but it gives you an idea)

On the other hand, there are several accounts of homosexuality in that area in the Bible. And it wasn't uncommon for men to have fun with other men in Roman times.

But to me, I believe it does not belong in fanfiction. I know I say this a lot, but I like to follow the tradition of the movie and all of its episodes being rated G and not having thematic elements... It just seems so out of character and really ruins a fanfic for me.
PostPosted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 7:05 pm    Post subject:

its really a touchy subject. I've read with the whole Mozenrath and Aladdin hook up.

They said that Alexander the Great had some lovers. That was during the start of western civilization. In my opinion, the rating should be changed to a higher standpoint and maybe a warning to those who don't understand.
Also the fact that children are reading these stories as well.
Just as long you don't ruin the love between aladdin and jasmine. People have a way twisting the story in a perverse way these days that's it off canon. As a writer, you're an artist and we have the right to express our vision. Sometimes we have to be careful on what we write about.
PostPosted: Sat Jan 31, 2009 8:48 am    Post subject:

From the little bit that I've read I pretty much agree with AG; I'd just add that, like anywhere, there's a gap between what the religion says and what people actually do and think.
PostPosted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 3:12 pm    Post subject:

From what I understand, there's a difference between having same and then having feelings for someone of the same sex, and the latter constitutes being gay more than the former. Having sex with someone of the same sex doesn't make you "gay" in their culture (because I think I've read higher up officials and kings and caliphs and whatnot engaged in homosexual activity for funsies Laughing). My Middle Eastern History teacher said it's really common to find two guys holding hands over there while walking down the street, and that doesn't mean they're gay either, and the same goes for a lot of places in Europe. It's just people in the west who aren't down with that Laughing. But, when you start developing feelings and emotions towards someone of the same sex, then you're considered "gay", which is hugely frowned upon and I wanna say has always been frowned upon because it's forbidden religiously, socially, Laughing. I'm pretty sure there were a lot of people who were gay, but it wasn't something you were particularly out in the open with.
PostPosted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 10:19 am    Post subject: A Question For Those Familiar With The Subject Matter

I know there has been some Aladdin fanfiction where two characters of the same sex hook up. I am wanting to explore that myself, but I want to do it right. First of all, realistically, how did people of that time and culture view homosexuality? I don't think it would be very believable if I portrayed that aspect any other way than what it would have been. Also, I don't want to turn whatever I write into some kind of public service announcement.

Any input would be much appreciated.


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