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PostPosted: Sat Mar 21, 2009 11:17 pm    Post subject:

This just reminds me of how much I wish I could see them now after marriage Laughing
PostPosted: Sat Mar 21, 2009 11:09 pm    Post subject:

Maybe they originally wanted him to live in the palace but the censors wouldn't accept it, so they just had to avoid all references to it? And at a certain point they just said, "screw it! We'll just put him back in the hovel!" Laughing

That's probably it. Laughing

I think someone (in, um, some interview) said they didn't want Aladdin/Jasmine to be married because it limited them... maybe this stemmed from the same issue? It separated Aladdin/Jasmine a bit, allowed more exploration in the relationship without a marriage being involved (I think the perception of Sadira would have been different had she been trying to remove a wife, rather than a girlfriend.. if she even would have gone that far. It's a different level...), and changed the dynamic.
PostPosted: Sat Mar 21, 2009 10:31 pm    Post subject:

Salukfan wrote:
Re-watching "Forget Me Lots."

Iago says "I won't miss visiting the palace!" This is a really early episode (and we thank it for elongating the time line Laughing )... which implies that Aladdin doesn't live in the palace.

... clearly thinking about this too much was a mistake. Laughing

Is it possible that maybe Aladdin was living there but Iago was not? Because, in retrospect, the line right before that, where Rasoul says Aladdin's "back in the gutter where he belongs" sounds like he was living there... My head hurts. Laughing

In "Some Enchanted Genie" they were probably in the hovel, right after that is "The Vapor Chase" where they definitely were, next is "The Day the Bird Stood Still", in which living in the hovel is a big part of the plot. Laughing Kind of strange how they were vague about where he was living for over a year (in story) but all of a sudden there are a bunch of episodes where he's explicitly living in the hovel? Maybe they originally wanted him to live in the palace but the censors wouldn't accept it, so they just had to avoid all references to it? And at a certain point they just said, "screw it! We'll just put him back in the hovel!" Laughing
PostPosted: Sat Mar 21, 2009 7:34 pm    Post subject:

Re-watching "Forget Me Lots."

Iago says "I won't miss visiting the palace!" This is a really early episode (and we thank it for elongating the time line Laughing )... which implies that Aladdin doesn't live in the palace.

... clearly thinking about this too much was a mistake. Laughing
PostPosted: Sat Mar 21, 2009 6:20 pm    Post subject:

Yeah, they totally did something they weren't suppose to Laughing
PostPosted: Sat Mar 21, 2009 6:16 pm    Post subject:

Does "Love At First Sprite" happen before that? They might be banned from the palace for something they did/broke/etc. that we don't know about Laughing

It does happen first, actually. Laughing That could make sense...

Now that I think of it, Genie/Iago/Carpet are chillin' in the palace at the start of "The Wind Jackals of Mozenrath" and Iago says that he can't remember the last time Aladdin let them do that. I can-- "Power to the Parrot"... which didn't end up so well. Laughing
PostPosted: Sat Mar 21, 2009 5:48 pm    Post subject:

Calluna wrote:
It sounds like they're usually not allowed to stay, but Jasmine's making an exception just this once. Maybe it's only Iago who's not allowed, and everyone else is staying out too to spare his feelings. Laughing

Does "Love At First Sprite" happen before that? They might be banned from the palace for something they did/broke/etc. that we don't know about Laughing

Salukfan wrote:
Or, in the realm of "...well, they do kiss a lot," maybe things almost went too far and they decided that it's just better for everyone if they live apart? Laughing

That would explain why they practically grope each other every time they meet up Laughing
PostPosted: Sat Mar 21, 2009 4:45 pm    Post subject:

I'm trying to figure out when it officially went back to "the gang lives in the hovel," rather than the palace.

It just occurred to me that in "Scare Necessities," Iago and Abu take Squirt back to the hovel in the middle of the night.... and Genie shows up, in the morning, to take Squirt back. Obviously Aladdin didn't sleep there that night. Unless he got the benefit of "... you got me a locket, you sleep in a nice bed tonight," he wasn't living the hovel. Laughing

That episode is about 10 after "Vapor Chase...." so unless they just put the gang in the hovel for a plot contrivance, something's kinda weird there Laughing Of course, VC aired before SN, but that's also not the best evidence of a straight storyline. We go to "Poor Iago" (five eps after SN) and Aladdin's living in the hovel again.

Jasmine's "... just for tonight" kind of implies that she orchestrated Aladdin going back to hovel land. Laughing Maybe the move happened because she and Aladdin realized that they weren't going to get married for a while and still needed time to live apart and have separate lives? Or, in the realm of "...well, they do kiss a lot," maybe things almost went too far and they decided that it's just better for everyone if they live apart? Laughing
PostPosted: Sat Mar 21, 2009 4:32 pm    Post subject:

I think you're probably right. Laughing

The only thing I can't explain, though, is that scene in From Hippsodeth With Love:

Iago: Well, guess we're staying here [at the palace] tonight!
Jasmine: Just for tonight.

It sounds like they're usually not allowed to stay, but Jasmine's making an exception just this once. Maybe it's only Iago who's not allowed, and everyone else is staying out too to spare his feelings. Laughing
PostPosted: Sat Mar 21, 2009 4:25 pm    Post subject:

Maybe they put it in, then realized afterward that it'd be better to have a place outside of the palace/a place for the "guys."

I'm looking at the production order and we don't see Aladdin's hovel for quite a while. We see it in "My Fair Aladdin," but that's not real evidence that he lives there... in so much as he went back there after humiliating himself. I'll take "Some Enchanted Genie" as a reference to it (because how else could Abis Mal have just bothered Aladdin/Abu/Genie in the taking of the lamp? I imagine Iago just rolled over, said "screw it" and went back to sleep. Laughing) We don't actually see them living there until "The Vapor Chase."

I could be missing something here (forgotten stuff in the hovel, etc), but it seems like they ended up living in the hovel again out of convenience, rather than it being something they planned on the entire time.
PostPosted: Sat Mar 21, 2009 4:02 pm    Post subject:

Yeah, but the same people who wrote RoJ wrote the series, so if they knew they were going to have to backpeddle on that, why put it in? It's not really necessary...
PostPosted: Sat Mar 21, 2009 3:42 pm    Post subject:

Yeah, cause couples who are engaged don't move in with each other before they're married. They gotta be married or no dice. They'll be heathens!!

I hate people sometimes Laughing
PostPosted: Sat Mar 21, 2009 3:12 pm    Post subject:

You know, I thought that was just Iago misreading the situation, but if the press kit's saying it, too...

I wouldn't be surprised if they just took Iago's line and went with it, without paying attention to the fact that he doesn't live there in the series... or that him living there means that Aladdin and Jasmine are an unwed, live-in teenage couple and that may offend someone. Laughing
PostPosted: Sat Mar 21, 2009 3:02 pm    Post subject:

He ended up realizing he liked it more at his hovel and decided to stay there? That "you murdered my father!!" situation was too much for him to handle Laughing
PostPosted: Sat Mar 21, 2009 2:58 pm    Post subject:

Salukfan wrote:
* Aladdin lives in the palace and "spends his time redistributing the stolen treasure of a stolen treasure of a despicable thief named Abis Mal."

You know, I thought that was just Iago misreading the situation, but if the press kit's saying it, too...

What exactly did Aladdin do after RoJ to get himself kicked out of the palace? Laughing

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