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PostPosted: Sat Aug 22, 2009 9:42 am    Post subject:

To be more specific, it's Disney's Lost Chords II that has a little bit about Aladdin (and only a few pages)

That later Work in Progress version could be the one shown at the March preview. I wouldn't have thought the Prince Ali Reprise would have been in it yet, but then again it wasn't the final recording of the song.
PostPosted: Sat Aug 22, 2009 8:23 am    Post subject:

If July 1991 was the first Ted & Terry script, that would explain why auditions for Jasmine got opened back up in July 1991: the character had changed, and they wanted the acresses to re-audition with the new script. Smile

I haven't read Disney's Lost Chords... yet. Thank God for interlibrary loans! Laughing

"Aladdin: the Making of an Animated Film" said that the work in progress version showing was in March 1992, so the final script couldn't be too different from the movie itself. I need to find some articles about that showing, I'd be surprised if there weren't any...
PostPosted: Fri Aug 21, 2009 7:23 pm    Post subject:

I'm fairly sure the draft numbers reset when Ted and Terry started working on Aladdin. The July 1991 script is probably around the 1st or 2nd draft of these scripts.
If I understand the timeline of the last months (with quite a bit of guessing), it went something like this:

August 1991: "Count on Me" written (from Disney's Lost Chords)
October 1991: (around time of Early Work in Progress version)
November 1991: Singing voice of Aladdin replaced
January 1992: Tim Rice's lyrics added to existing melodies for "A Whole New World" and "One Jump Ahead"
March 1992: "Prince Ali Reprise" added
April 1992: (around time of later Work in Progress version)
July 1992: Ending cut, animation finished
PostPosted: Fri Aug 21, 2009 5:50 pm    Post subject:

AladdinsGenie wrote:
It's at the Agrabah community. I think I put that up summer 08. I was at Disney World at the time and had a day off to watch them.

Looking at what I have, though, there's not even dates on the material. I might have the 92 one, though, because I have one that's pretty much done but there's a few line changes and visual cues that are different. That has to be a next to final version and March 92 is starting to get late.

No wonder, I was looking in the wrong journal! Laughing

Found it! My memory of the July 1991 script is getting fuzzy, but what you have seems more recent to me. July 1991 just has that proto-"Count on Me" song I've called "Hold On" just as a placeholder, but yours has the actual song in it, even if the lyrics are a bit different at one point. And the plot's the same as the final movie, just the lines have been tweaked. I wouldn't be surprised if it corresponded with one of these two scripts.

I wonder how "final" that final draft actually is. When would they have finished recording the lines? March 1992 seems to be cutting it pretty close. I know they were all working like crazy up 'till the deadline, but still...
PostPosted: Fri Aug 21, 2009 5:15 pm    Post subject:

It's at the Agrabah community. I think I put that up summer 08. I was at Disney World at the time and had a day off to watch them.

Looking at what I have, though, there's not even dates on the material. I might have the 92 one, though, because I have one that's pretty much done but there's a few line changes and visual cues that are different. That has to be a next to final version and March 92 is starting to get late.
PostPosted: Fri Aug 21, 2009 5:08 pm    Post subject:

AladdinsGenie wrote:
I'm wondering if those are the ones I have...

I have the July 15, 1990 script that User was nice enough to share with me, and I used to have July 3, 1991 until my old harddrive crashed. (I know where to buy a new one, I just need to get off my butt and do it.) Maybe they go with those rough animation tapes that you have? I can't find the link in your LJ again to compare them to the scripts I know...
PostPosted: Fri Aug 21, 2009 4:50 pm    Post subject:

How did I miss this? Laughing

I'm wondering if those are the ones I have...
PostPosted: Fri Aug 21, 2009 4:35 pm    Post subject:

Sorry I took so long to reply, but thank you! I don't expect to be in California anytime soon, but even knowing the dates of the scripts is helpful! I'd wondered if maybe July 3, 1991 was the last one, and they just worked from storyboards after that! If the November 1991 script was the fourth, I wonder when they started counting? Was Howard Ashman or Linda Wolverton's scripts #1, or did they not start counting until Ron and John got involved?
PostPosted: Sat Aug 08, 2009 1:05 am    Post subject: early Aladdin scripts

I noticed there are several early Aladdin scripts available to the public at California libraries. These scripts are different versions than the ones used for the "cut lyrics" page. I thought I'd post the information in case someone gets a chance to visit one of the libraries, and perhaps provide some details about the scripts. Who knows, there might be some more unreleased lyrics or deleted scenes in one or both of them...

Aladdin Fourth draft, November 5, 1991
available at "Margaret Herrick Library"
333 S. La Cienega Boulevard
Beverly Hills, California 90211

Aladdin "final draft", March 5, 1992
available at "Shavelson-Webb Library"
7000 W. Third St., Los Angeles, CA 90048

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