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Edward Falcon
PostPosted: Fri Jun 21, 2019 1:36 am    Post subject:

Everything about them is what I like in a shipping. And they make a very sexy couple.
PostPosted: Wed Jun 19, 2019 9:41 pm    Post subject:

AladdinJasmine4ever wrote:
Lost And Founded Al & Jas go into the past and meet the founders of Agrabah. He discusses his plans to make a market. Al and Jas smile at each other because they know one day they'll meet there.

I rewound and rewatched their reunion in this episode several times. I love how he just lights up when he sees her!

I do the same in "The Spice Right" after he starts mourning her eternal marriage to Ayam, "No. It can't be." Then she appears and says his name, and he runs and twirls her and hugs her. THE CUTE.

AladdinJasmine4ever wrote:
Sandswitch In the altered reality, Aladdin and Jasmine never even met. Despite that, once they locked eyes with each other, they both felt a spark. Goes to show just how deep their love for each other really is.

This episode is great too. But the music at that shot is so random, it kinda takes me out of it.

Another random one I like is at the end of "Shadow of a Doubt" when he embraces her and essentially gives her the glory for his victory. ALSO THEIR OUTFITS.

Sultan: Aladdin, my dear boy, you delivered Agrabah from an unthinkable fate.
Genie: And trounced evil incarnate... again.
Jasmine: Was there ever a doubt?
Aladdin: Yes, and it saved Agrabah.
(Aladdin and Jasmine kiss.)
PostPosted: Wed Jun 19, 2019 8:47 pm    Post subject:

Raiders Of The Lost Shark A lot of physical body language. "Jasmine is worth more than treasure"

Lost And Founded Al & Jas go into the past and meet the founders of Agrabah. He discusses his plans to make a market. Al and Jas smile at each other because they know one day they'll meet there.

Bad Mood Rising
Aladdin is depressed without Jasmine

Strike Up the Sand "I like you too Sadira... but I love Jasmine."

Forget Me Lots Aladdin forgets their first date. Jasmine is under a blue flower forgetful spell. Aladdin reminds her of who she is.

Sandswitch In the altered reality, Aladdin and Jasmine never even met. Despite that, once they locked eyes with each other, they both felt a spark. Goes to show just how deep their love for each other really is.

Eye of the Beholder Aladdin becomes a snake for Jasmine. This was my all time favorite Aladdin and Jasmine moment. Aladdin and Jasmine both share a love of humanity. They both fed the impoverished children. They both want to help the less fortunate and make the world a better place. They are heroes. For Aladdin to forsake his humanity to be with Jasmine... it was the biggest sacrifice ever.
PostPosted: Wed Jun 19, 2019 6:14 pm    Post subject:

Meesh wrote:
"Riders Redux" was my #1 as a kid. It was the most Jasmine-centric one that I didn't have on VHS, and I died every time I was lucky enough to catch it airing. My fav part was how Aladdin literally stopped time to rescue her. Also when Jasmine sets Aladdin free and he's getting bossy and she's all - "yeahhh I'm setting you free and all but plz stfu literally so done" Laughing

WHAT I don't think I've ever seen anyone else express any interest in that episode, never mind claiming it as their (childhood) favourite episode!! This is awesome Very Happy

And yes that part is great haha

I think I really loved that episode because of the whole ~this person that you love might be hiding their true identity from you~ storyline. I find fictional situations like that to be really dramatic and enjoyable to watch unfold. (Well, in certain cases at least.) I mean I think this is a major reason why Aladdin is my favourite Disney movie. Very Happy
PostPosted: Tue Jun 18, 2019 10:48 pm    Post subject:

Eye of the Beholder was quite touching. I loved how how Mirage challenged their love by cursing Jasmine and even at the end she destroyed the only way to cure her (Mirage was sure desperate to prove love is weak).

Even with Jasmine giving up hope due to all the stuff happening in that episode, Aladdin not only remained with her all the time, but he was willing to curse himself as well, just to be with Jasmine forever. That just gets me in a good way and to me really showed just how much they love each other.

Yes I would normally consider that cukormázas, but for this episode and what it tried to achieve, it was fitting and really worked imo.
PostPosted: Tue Jun 18, 2019 5:52 pm    Post subject:

arisha wrote:
I LOVE the royal melon hahahaha

The current series rewatch is long overdue for me and I'm sure there are plenty of great moments I've forgotten, but off the top of my head some of my favourite Al/Jas episodes are

"Eye of the Beholder" - that part where Aladdin's like "It's gonna be a long trip back to Agrabah" always gets me

"The Wind Jackals of Mozenrath" - I just love the beginning where they're working together on this top-secret dangerous mission and they even got super cool matching outfits in order to do it haha

"The Secret of Dagger Rock" - They might not spend a lot of time together in this episode, but I think it still shows the strength of their relationship. One thing I've been enjoying in the rewatching I've done so far (most notably with "Do the Rat Thing") is how Aladdin sometimes just takes Jasmine's anger in stride. Like I love how sometimes she's just super irritated with everyone and Al's just like "Yep, that's my girlfriend and I love her Very Happy" I've always loved the part in "The Secret of Dagger Rock" where Mozenrath imagines Jasmine to be crying without her man and Aladdin is just like hmm you haven't seen her angry yet have you? Very Happy His total faith that Jasmine is gonna come get him and tear Mozenrath apart is beautiful hahaha

"Riders Redux" - I desperately need to watch this one again, it used to be my very favourite episode and now I can barely remember it, but I always loved the part where Jasmine decides she trusts Aladdin even when all the advisors are telling her she shouldn't.

"Raiders of the Lost Shark" - "Some things are worth more than treasure!" so dramatic, I love it

Ughhhh yes to all of this.

After "It's gonna be a long trip back to Agrabah," Jasmine says "but you'll never-" and he interrupts to say "I'll never leave you" *sobs*

I remember thinking that episode was over-dramatic as a kid, but I grew to really like it.

"Riders Redux" was my #1 as a kid. It was the most Jasmine-centric one that I didn't have on VHS, and I died every time I was lucky enough to catch it airing. My fav part was how Aladdin literally stopped time to rescue her. Also when Jasmine sets Aladdin free and he's getting bossy and she's all - "yeahhh I'm setting you free and all but plz stfu literally so done" Laughing
PostPosted: Tue Jun 18, 2019 5:15 pm    Post subject:

I LOVE the royal melon hahahaha

The current series rewatch is long overdue for me and I'm sure there are plenty of great moments I've forgotten, but off the top of my head some of my favourite Al/Jas episodes are

"Eye of the Beholder" - that part where Aladdin's like "It's gonna be a long trip back to Agrabah" always gets me

"The Wind Jackals of Mozenrath" - I just love the beginning where they're working together on this top-secret dangerous mission and they even got super cool matching outfits in order to do it haha

"The Secret of Dagger Rock" - They might not spend a lot of time together in this episode, but I think it still shows the strength of their relationship. One thing I've been enjoying in the rewatching I've done so far (most notably with "Do the Rat Thing") is how Aladdin sometimes just takes Jasmine's anger in stride. Like I love how sometimes she's just super irritated with everyone and Al's just like "Yep, that's my girlfriend and I love her Very Happy" I've always loved the part in "The Secret of Dagger Rock" where Mozenrath imagines Jasmine to be crying without her man and Aladdin is just like hmm you haven't seen her angry yet have you? Very Happy His total faith that Jasmine is gonna come get him and tear Mozenrath apart is beautiful hahaha

"Riders Redux" - I desperately need to watch this one again, it used to be my very favourite episode and now I can barely remember it, but I always loved the part where Jasmine decides she trusts Aladdin even when all the advisors are telling her she shouldn't.

"Raiders of the Lost Shark" - "Some things are worth more than treasure!" so dramatic, I love it
PostPosted: Tue Jun 18, 2019 10:14 am    Post subject:

I remember relating to Jas in "Moonlight Madness" when she says, "Flowers? What I need is some company" because of my flaky ex.
PostPosted: Tue Jun 18, 2019 1:56 am    Post subject:

I remember that. I guess we can safely say both are quite strong in terms of personality and like to tug each other and, least early on.

That Stinking Feeling: pettiest episode ever, but can't help but love how they try to screw the other over. XD
PostPosted: Tue Jun 18, 2019 1:28 am    Post subject:

There's a bad boyfriend moments thread around here somewhere and I think we came to the conclusion Aladdin can be kind of dense sometimes when it comes to Jasmine's feelings, but Jasmine can be unforgiving after he's done being dense Laughing
PostPosted: Tue Jun 18, 2019 12:43 am    Post subject:

^^ What they said

One of my favorite quotes comes from a petty drama episode:

Jasmine: As an Agrabah tradition, may I present you with the royal melon.
(Jasmine hands Uncouthma a watermelon.)
Sultan: The royal melon?
Jasmine: It is our custom for the guest to throw it at the highest window.

What are some of everybody's favorite & least favorite episodes regarding the Al/Jas relationship?
Princess of Agrabah
PostPosted: Mon Jun 17, 2019 12:01 pm    Post subject:

I definitely prefer the very real take the series had on their relationship too. Both of them undergo a lot of growth and that was fun to watch. The fights were great too because real people fight and it made them way more relatable.
PostPosted: Mon Jun 17, 2019 11:36 am    Post subject:

AladdinsGenie wrote:
When I google cukormázas, I get frosting for cakes and cupcakes. So I'm going to assume you mean something along the lines of too saccharine/sweet or nauseatingly sentimental Laughing

Pretty much. Some romances can be sickeningly sweet and glad Al and Jas' romance is not like that. Laughing
PostPosted: Mon Jun 17, 2019 11:29 am    Post subject:

When I google cukormázas, I get frosting for cakes and cupcakes. So I'm going to assume you mean something along the lines of too saccharine/sweet or nauseatingly sentimental Laughing
PostPosted: Mon Jun 17, 2019 11:09 am    Post subject:

Have to agree with AG on this one. Out of all the Disney couples, I find Al and Jas' relationship the most developed over the franchise. Not only they matured over the years, but they were shown as an actual couple with their ups and downs. They got into arguments, but they also still loved each other nonetheless. They slowly accepted each others' flaws and both tried to become better for the other as they grew up and matured.

Remember, when they got engaged, they were still teens and only at their early 20s that they actually married. This time period is when people mature a lot both mentally and emotionally. I'm actually happy they spend this much time to actually get to know each other and see if their relationship actually works. It feels... more realistic to me in a very good way.

I'm actually glad Aladdin was more adventure-oriented, instead of romance. Nothing against romances, but they can be very "cukormázas" (don't know a good term in English for it now) when not done properly and we can see even today how easy is to make romances unrealistic and give us couples that are almost flawless, making them boring to watch and hard to get invested in them.

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