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PostPosted: Wed Jul 31, 2019 10:26 am    Post subject:

This is hauntingly beautiful. I've never seen a Disney Park in snow before since Florida and Southern California don't know what the word means Laughing
PostPosted: Thu Jul 25, 2019 7:18 pm    Post subject:

One of my DREAMS when I was in Japan was to be at the Tokyo Disney Resort during a snowfall, and my dream came true in January, 2013. It was a very wet and slippery snow that drenched my socks and shut down most of the outdoor rides, but nevertheless I LOVED IT. I had been planning to spend the day in Disneyland, but I ended up park hopping juuust before I had to leave for my train so I could get a few pictures of a snowy DisneySea. Here are the ones I took in Arabian Coast:

The ship in the port area.

The bridge that leads from Arabian Coast to Mermaid Lagoon. I didn't go into Mermaid Lagoon but most of the land is made up of a large indoor area so I imagine that's where everyone was. It's kind of funny how extreme rain drives so many DisneySea visitors to take cover in the area meant to look like you're underwater ...

This poor camel!! hahaha

The camel is a popular photo spot and it even makes noises.

The parks were both very empty but I still saw several people slip and fall.

I had left my camera in a locker because I had been planning to enjoy the day without taking pictures. So when it started snowing all I had was the camera on my phone, which I had barely used before. So these two pictures are blue because I had no idea what I was doing. Smile

This might be my only DisneySea picture with not a single person in it.

Little snow mice were popping up all throughout the parks. Smile

(Snowpeople in Japan have one ball for the body and one for the head. A little different from the North American snowperson.)
PostPosted: Fri Jul 12, 2019 12:03 am    Post subject:

Not really, this is the third "group hug" figurine that's come out (the one we're talking about by Capodimonte Laurenz, the Harmony Kingdom treasure box, and then the new one by Jim Shore).

The new one will probably get bought up a little quicker, though, because the first two are super limited pieces and this one won't be.
PostPosted: Thu Jul 11, 2019 11:56 pm    Post subject:

I imagine that group hug figurine will be harder to find now that another figurine by the same name is coming out?
PostPosted: Thu Jul 11, 2019 11:53 pm    Post subject:

I tried to convince myself I could fix it and it would be fine, but after the five seconds it took to realize this wasn't a quick super glue job I then tried to convince myself I didn't want it like "you know what it's not even accurate. where's rajah?" I was a rollercoaster of emotions Laughing

I've had someone mail a doll box to me in a giant plastic envelope Mad

Part of the reason that figurine is so much is because there's only 250 of them world wide (well 249 cause I can confirm one is broken to pieces Laughing), but Disney fans definitely pay big bucks for some pricey items.

this never fails to make me laugh when I go to the parks. for that amount you could just buy a replica of the castle to live in Laughing
PostPosted: Thu Jul 11, 2019 11:36 pm    Post subject:

Ooooof that story is a tragedy. Crying or Very sad I really hope you're able to get it someday!! Opening the box to find it in pieces due to lazy packaging must have been INFURIATING.

(I once bought a couple of magazines and received an empty envelope because the sender did the absolute bare minimum work to seal it. Evil or Very Mad)

When I was reading back through one of the Marketplace threads I saw you mention Disney figures that go on eBay for over a thousand+ dollars and I was SHOCKED ... I know Disney fans like their merchandise but WOW. Meanwhile I'm over here trying to talk myself out of ordering the expensive pizza ...
PostPosted: Thu Jul 11, 2019 7:06 pm    Post subject:

arisha wrote:

In the hallway outside the entrance there were figures like this for each princess.

This piece has been my grail figurine for as long as I could remember. Like, I'd dream up my theoretical house based around where this figurine would be in my living room for guests to admire it Laughing. I finally found someone who was selling it on ebay for $300 around 2008 instead of the usual $1900+ it goes for and I was SO EXCITED....only to have it broken to pieces during the shipping process because the sender put it in a box loose, filled it up with packing peanuts, and left it like that. UPS had to refund my money Crying or Very sad
PostPosted: Thu Jul 11, 2019 6:59 pm    Post subject:

Just a few pictures today, from May and June 2016.

I went to a temporary museum exhibit that was all about the Disney princesses. Smile

In the hallway outside the entrance there were figures like this for each princess.

Jasmine's description: "Courageous and independent, values honesty and justice over power and status."

These Aladdin maquettes were my number one favourite part of the exhibit. I don't know why they're kind of discoloured, though ... just the passage of time I guess? I hope they're being taken care of properly.

All right, back to DisneySea stuff. Apparently I got another English explanation for the Sindbad ride hahaha. On top of it are souvenir medallions for DisneySea's 15th anniversary. First is Ariel, then Rapunzel, then at the bottom is Aladdin and Jasmine. Souvenir medallions are my Disney park merchandise weakness, but at least they're cheap. Laughing

Jasmine as a shoe.

Very happy Jasmine.

This was part of a pack of plastic folders with Disney characters in scenes representing each of the four seasons. I liked the pictures because I am all about Disney characters interacting with Japanese culture. I don't remember 100% which season this is though ... maybe fall? I think fall is often associated with moonwatching ...

A piece of DisneySea 15th anniversary merchandise with some Aladdin art near the bottom. It also looks like there was an Aladdin in the background at the very top of this photo but I cut him off haha oops.

This isn't Disney, but I went to see an Aladdin ballet and I enjoyed it very much. The sets were huge and spectacular which was exactly what I was in the mood for. Smile

There was a huge lamp made of flowers in the theatre lobby.
PostPosted: Wed Jul 03, 2019 2:57 pm    Post subject:

Some hours after I made this post I came to the belated realization that the Genie heads on the fountain might have been a DisneySea 10th anniversary thing and not a winter holiday thing ... because they were still there when I went again for the springtime stuff ... but anyway I really liked them! I wish they'd bring them back once in a while. It's cool that the expressions are all different. The tigers are so boring in comparison!

AladdinsGenie wrote:
And I can't believe Aladdin and the gang are giving the same presents every year. Don't be cheap, guys!! I know you got money! Laughing

Ha! I never thought of it like that. Imagine being friends with the prince and princess of Agrabah and every year they give you the same present and it's a decorative plate with their picture on it. And you're like, thanks ... guys ... I guess I'll put this ... with the others ...
PostPosted: Tue Jul 02, 2019 8:10 pm    Post subject:

Nothing says "holiday season" more than Genie spitting water in a fountain Laughing

And I can't believe Aladdin and the gang are giving the same presents every year. Don't be cheap, guys!! I know you got money! Laughing

I like how non-denominational it is though yet still festive.
PostPosted: Tue Jul 02, 2019 7:41 pm    Post subject:

I'm bored with going through my pictures in order, so let's jump back to the end of 2011, the year Christmas came to Arabian Coast!

Oh I'm sorry ... The year ~Magic Season~ came to Arabian Coast!

Just ignore the red and the green and the snowflakes because this is definitely not Christmas.

The courtyard fountain was all dressed up.

I only JUST NOW noticed the dancing Genies inside whaaat

The usual tiger heads were replaced with Genie heads.

I would've sworn that they changed the presents under the American Waterfront Christmas tree regularly, but apparently they put the same presents out at least six years in a row. Well here's a better look at them than the one I posted before.

I love themed "Cast Members Only" signs.

It PAINS me that the English is themed but the Japanese just says "Employees Only."

Some of the attractions at the Tokyo Disney Resort have these English explanations for cast members to hand to people who look like they don't speak Japanese. But I've ridden Sindbad's Storybook Voyage A LOT and have only been offered this paper a few times so I think you have to either look really confused or run into a particularly gung-ho cast member.

The back of the explanatory paper.

Abu's Bazaar is a little shop where you can play a game to win a prize. I've never done it because the prizes are always huge stuffed animals of non-Aladdin characters (what's up with that), but it must do fairly well because it always has a line!

The queue for Abu's Bazaar seems to be in different places depending on the day, but in this picture the shop is on the left (just out of frame) and the queue is on the right. The cast members are really good at managing this slightly awkward set up.

And now some pictures of Arabian Coast looking good:

PostPosted: Sun Jun 30, 2019 9:18 pm    Post subject:

You know, maybe I've been mistaken all these years. There use to be a message board on that site and it's gone now, but it was part of someone's trip to Tokyo and what I'm guessing is Disneyland Paris now (there was a hilarious story about Jasmine not knowing who Genie was when someone gave her a drawing of the gang Laughing). I might have mixed up the locations cause looking again the only sultan that shows up at Tokyo that I can confirm is a face character from the Bon Fire show under the Tokyo tag on that page Confused
PostPosted: Sun Jun 30, 2019 9:04 pm    Post subject:

Do you have more information about that photo? The background looks the same as the background of the Paris pictures (on page 2) at the link you included.

Also his signature is on that page and I kind of love it hahaha
PostPosted: Sun Jun 30, 2019 6:45 pm    Post subject:

I just checked and he was last seen at Disneyland Paris for a show in 2013

But he was definitely at Tokyo at some point:

I posted that around 2015 so idk

But uuuuuugh those ugly outfits Laughing
PostPosted: Sun Jun 30, 2019 2:24 pm    Post subject:

Found a cute official blog post featuring the characters you can see in Arabian Coast:

Apparently those new outfits for Al and Jas have made it to Tokyo now too!

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